Tuesday, March 07, 2006

prayers needed

Hi group,

We have a couple of people in the congregation that are in need of your prayers. I will give you some of the information here but please contact Brandy or myself if you need more information.

A couple weeks ago I sent out a prayer request for Teri Furrey who had a episode driving home after a prayer meeting on Tuesday. The tests that she has taken since then have shown some abnormalities. Tomorrow (Wednesday) she will be going in to have a heart catheter done. Teri has had heart problems in the past and has had the balloon procedure done. This time the Doctors aren't sure they will be able to do that and they are looking more to putting in stints. The procedure is to be at 5:30 am tomorrow and she will be able to have visitors but probably won't be awake enough until thursday.

Last weekend Brian Paquette was riding a horse at his parents home and had a bad accident. In essence his entire arm from the elbow down was crushed. He went thru a 6 hour surgery to repair the tendons and muscle and to reattach them to the elbow. At the last I heard he hadn't had the other surgery done for the wrist. Tom told us that he is under the best care in Columbus and that the doctor he has is very well known for his ability to reattach tendons and such. But as we all know the master physician is God and we want to make sure to lift them both up at this time. Brian will probably be in the hospital for about another week.

1 comment:

Craig said...

hey guys,

I have a update for you. Actually I have two praises for you. First when Teri went in for the catheter it turned out very well. They did not have to do either procedure (the balloon or the stints). She will have to wear around an event monitor for awhile in hopes of finding out what happened on that Tuesday night. She is doing very well and is actually at home.

Brian had his second surgery yesterday and he has feeling in his fingers. He is scheduled for a third surgery (wrist) but I am unsure of when that will be. He is getting a lot of visitors and he is in high spirits.

Thank you all for your prayers for them and continue to pray for the doctors who are taking care of them.