Saturday, August 18, 2007

I'm Back, Bitches

I decided to inappropriately quote Paris Hilton (or possibly Nicole Ritchie...) here on the church-related blog because no one is writing anything anymore!!!!

I can only assume that no one is reading this anymore, either. I, however, check every couple of days like a sucker and every time I check I am disappointed to find the same sad post staring back at me.

The last post is from May and is about children eating nickels. And was written by ME. If kids eating currency can't elicit any comments or response, maybe cursing will.  But I doubt it.

But back to the topic at hand: I'm back from Iraq [bitches]. 

I arrived back in the States on Monday and have been keeping things on the DL trying to surprise people as I go. It's worked pretty well, I must admit. My mom almost passed out, honestly.

The only sore point is that my luggage did not make it back with me. It is stranded somewhere between Dubai and Columbus, but no one is really sure where it is. I think maybe it spontaneously combusted like that playground in Texas

The saddest part is that Settlers of Catan was inside. Well, it probably still is inside the luggage, I guess. It'll just never been seen again. Lucky for you all, though. I can't beat you if we can't play.


Yes, that Cristi said...

You wish you could beat me....its on

Craig said...

Well first of all, WELCOME BACK!!! Second I heard thru a little birdie that Angie had said that I NEVER return calls which as one might know that is just not the case. I called you all yesterday and I received no call back. I can appreciate the wanting to surprise everyone but I heard thru the same little birdie that the same aformentioned person had said I could'nt be trusted with the secret of your early return????????

I am not bitter at all... just kidding. I am glad to have you back and I am looking forward to catching up with you. I start school on the 4th so my schedule after that will be a little more busy but hopefully not to bad.

I feel bad that I have disappointed you so for not writing on the blog. I find it more of a chore than a enjoyment anymore to post. I hope I am just in a wierd place with that but probably not. But there really is no excuse so I will stop trying to make one. I hope to see you soon.

Craig said...

OK Angie I can see how you might assume I meant "I called you all day yesterday"... but I didn't write that. I meant I called "y'all" yesterday or "all y'all".