Tuesday, January 03, 2006


" If you can't see far ahead, go ahead as far as you can see"

- Dawson Trotman, Founder of The Navigators


Angie said...


that's what I'm sayin...

Craig said...

There must be a fog because I am only traveling about a inch a week.

Angie said...

Columbus to San Diego to Columbus to Phoenix to Houston to London to Turkey to Iq... seems pretty clear to us...

Angie said...

(I say as I sit safe in my life in Ohio...) I only kid you Craig because I know that you WOULD give your life in response to what God's done for you...

Craig said...

I still like the idea of opening a childrens home in China with "all y'all".

shhhh!!! I began looking at the trips and opportunities that Frontiers and YWAM offer. But that is just between us.

Angie said...

Craig - that's too funny. I looked at the YWAM trips yesterday myself. Don't tell Robert.

Craig said...

So which one did you choose? I'll let you know if it is the same one I picked.

Angie said...

My problem is that I have no passion for places outside of the 10/40 window, so the only places the caught my eye were:

Nambia (Diverse team sought to assess ongoing ministry opportunities in strategic expansion of existing ministry in Namibia, Africa (Ravaging effects of AIDS has opened unprecedented doors for the Gospel. Professionals sought in business, education, medicine, health care, and church ministry. Will travel to several towns to meet with local professionals and missionaries to plan future initiatives)

Indonesia (Tsunami relief expertise requested by Indonesian government to help in Tsunami rebuilding efforts. Positions include project/ logistics designers, road/ water/ building engineers, education and health specialists, economic/ agricultural/ fishery/ environment consultants, and communications specialist)

Japan (Help launch and solidify junior and high school ministry among 10,000 students concentrated in local area. Make evangelistic friendships through variety of activities and then grow a solid discipleship ministry)

We'll see. Who knows what God has in store for me over the next few months and years. What I know right now is that God has called me here to this church to this position, and until he releases me from it, I am keeping my heart and mind focused on it. That's not to say it's not fun to dream again about being on the mission field, and to pray intently about missions again, but I'm here for now... How about you, Craig?!

Craig said...

Well I have to say that Frontiers has a month long trip to Central Asia and kind of piqued my interest. I did see numerous opportunities with YWAM in Russia as well as in the 10/40 window. I have to say that when I saw the trip too Central Asia in June that I felt that if I was out from under my debt that I would probably seriously consider signing up for that. It just reenforces to me that I need to begin praying more specifically about getting out from under the bondage of debt in order to be more "mobile" for God.
The Indonesian relief effort that you wrote about is very interesting as well.
Angie thanks for sharing and I will keep you in my prayers.