Friday, January 20, 2006

say a prayer please

Hey guys,

I just wanted to ask that you would say a prayer for me. There has been a couple of things that have happened the last two days that I could use some intercession for.
1)Yesterday I discovered that my debit card/MC number had been stolen and someone over seas has drained my account. This was the money that I have been running on until I get the job that God has in store for me.
2)Today my grandmother called me and asked if I could come over so she could talk to me. When I got there she told me that she didn't have anyone else to talk to and then she broke down into tears. My heart is breaking for her and I was extremely humbled by the fact that my grandmother had broken down in front of me. Don't get me wrong I am glad that I was able to be there for her but to see her in that condition was awefully hard to take.
The short version of why she broke down has to do with my Uncle who is in the nursing home who she has taken care of for over 10 years. He is complaining that they are mistreating him there (we have found no solid evidence of that yet), and he keeps saying that he wants to come home. My grandmother has no way to take care of him but she wants to bring him home. As she said "I just can't let another brother or sister die alone, it's to hard!" I am very concerned that her health is suffering due to the stress on her, she just doesn't look good.

I am praying that God would give me wisdom for this situation and peace for my grandmother.


Angie said...



Definitely praying.

Craig said...

Thanks for the prayers everyone. My money was back into my account this morning when I checked. I have always been careful about my accounts but I am taking it to a new level.

As for my Grandmother...well she is still in need of your prayers. I have prayed long and hard about trying to get my Uncle home and I just don't feel that the time is right. No nursing aid can be there 24/7 and we need that security right now. There is no way possible that my grandmother would be able to respond to a emergency if something were to come up. Besides that I feel the stress on her would be even greater if he were at home. It all may be a moot point anyway. My other Uncle has POA and there is no way he is going to let him come home at this point.

Craig said...

Scott I know in my heart you are right. I had an "experience" at church tonight that I just can't explain. Tom invited people who he said want to cry to come up front and worship God with our tears. I was moved to go up and I couldn't stop crying. I still can't. I can't put into words what it feels like but I know God is in it. I feel I need to talk this out with someone but I am unsure what to say.

It feels like the Lord is boxing me in on all sides. Does that make sense? I have felt that way before, when I was going thru the divorce, but this time it's more complete. Try as I may I have been unable to find a job. I have even applied to jobs that I am over qualified for and whose pay would not be enough to pay the bills. I figured that God would take care of working out the funds. Even in my personal life it "feels" as if I am being directed to some place that I am not sure of. I know we have free will but I truly believe that at a point God will take over and unless or until you obey Him you will have no peace or rest. Maybe better put, He is going to direct your movements and orchestrate what He wants done in your life. This feeling is heavy, that is the only word I can use to describe it. It has me wanting nothing more than being in His presence, face down, and just waiting.....for a glimpse, a word, a kernel, some nugget to fall from Him that I may grab ahold of and claim as my own. If only I can get close enough to Him, I just want to be in His presence, NOTHING ELSE!!!

Craig said...

Thank you Angie.

Anonymous said...

I cried today at church too and now reading this it just started all over agin the cold chills crying. It feels great and overwelming all at the same time so you pray for me and I will pray for you and at some point we will finely get the point of it all.

Craig said...

Of course I will pray for you! Has anyone else felt a tug this past weekend? I just would like to get a feel of who the Holy Spirit is speaking to thru this latest message of Tom's.