Saturday, June 03, 2006

Let us see if she knows what she is talking about?

While reading a Blog of a certain friend who is also a member of this blog I came across a post that I am having trouble believing. In this post this person wrote that people are reading the blogs and they often ask her why people have quit writing. She assures us that people are reading even though they may not be commenting. So I want to put this to the test and I need ALL of the so called "readers" help. If you do read this blog just let us know by posting a simpe comment. It doesn't have to be witty or deep or spiritual or anything. You can just simply say "I was here" and leave it at that. I personally believe that not many people are reading the blogs or at least this blog but I want to be wrong. Unfortunately I believe this little test will prove the writer of a certain other blog to be wrong.


rdmeeker said...

Rdmeeker wuz here


Angie said...

I'm not wrong.

Give them a week to respond (considering when and where some people surf the net).

Craig said...

Angie by respond you mean give YOU a week to get ahold of them to have them get here and comment, right?

Angie said...

yeah, that's it.

Brandi said...

What up what up....Brandi Meeker in the House!

Tammy said...

Well, given that I've updated my blog a couple of times, with no comment, I tend to believe people are just reading and not commenting-but what do I know???

Yes, that Cristi said...

yeah, some of us are reading wery wery quietly

Yes, that Cristi said...
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