Monday, October 23, 2006

Prayer for Day 7

Today is the 30th and final day of Ramadan. The following is from the Mafatih Al Jinan, a Shia prayer almanac.

O God, on this day,
make my fasts worthy of appreciation and acceptance,
according to what pleases You, and pleases the Messenger,
the branches being strengthened by the roots,
for the sake of our leader, Muhammad, and his purified family.
Praise be to God, the Lord of the worlds.


Anonymous said...

hey are we still doing something tonite? er, tuesday?

rdmeeker said...

Yes, anonymous, we're meeting at my and Angie's house tomorrow (Tuesday) at 7 pm. Bring something to eat or drink and we'll all eat together.

Anonymous said...

ok, Im bringing pumpkin spice cupcakes. and im gonna be lazy again and post anono! lol

Angie said...

it was cristi, I think.

Anonymous said...
