Tuesday, October 24, 2006


It's official. ANyone interested in helping with the Family Partner Program through CRIS (the one we discussed at the last HomeGroup) should meet at my house this Thursday at 6:15 pm.

A representative from Comunity Refugee and Immigration Services (CRIS) will be here from 6:30 to 8:30 to train us all on how to help immigrants in our area. Here's what's involved again:

Basically a Family Partner Team is composed of 2 or 3 volunteers who work closely with a newly arrived refugee family. The volunteers meet at least once a week with the family for the first month. You would help with transportation, tutor in English, help them navigate our complex bus system, teach them about "junk" mail, take them to apply for library cards etc. The commitment is approximately 6 months and training is given to potential volunteers as is on going support

Additionally, it're really awesome that they are willing to come to us to train us. I can't think of another organization that would be willing to do that. To me it proves that this is a group willing to do whatever it takes to serve the community.

It's pretty sweet.


rdmeeker said...

I know. You are the reason we are doing this. We'll be at your house on Friday to teach you proper english and how to ride the bus.

Seriously, though, if you and Brian are interested in volunteering, you're welcome. Just let me know first, so we'll be sure to have enough books!

Brandi said...

I'm in. I want to help people like Tanya!