Wednesday, April 12, 2006

Good Friday: The Lion, The Witch, The Wardrobe

Hi everyone - I'd like to invite you all over to the apartment after the Good Friday service to watch the Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe. Maybe if each person could pick one one of the following items to bring, we'd even have a meal:

one oven-baked pizza (we already have one cheese pizza)
two two liters of pop
a dessert to share
a salad
a bag of chips or two

I just thought it would be really cool to check out that movie together after the service (even thought all of you have seen it already! :-(....

Oh...listen to this. Allanah Coker was in the office yesterday, and she came up to me and said, "I watch the Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe this weekend, and my daddy told me a secret about it, and said that I should tell everyone the secret. Do you wanna know the secret?" At this point, I was actually interested, so I said, "There's a SECRET in that movie? What is it?" She said, "All of the big, scary monsters that shave the lion - you know, the really scary mean ones?! They're like Satan and all of the bad angels. And the lion and all of his friends? The lion is like Jesus and all of the good angels. THAT'S the secret!" Yup. Leave it up to Jason to teach his kids to share the gospel through movies at age 5.


Craig said...


I'm in. I can bring some pop. I think that would be a great idea to get together. Have you had any verbal commitments yet?

Jason is such a cool Dad. We all can learn a lesson from Allanah. That leads to my next question. Has anyone signed up to take the Evangelism 101 class given by the very same Jason Coker? I signed up last weekend and I was hoping to have a friend or two there with me. You know, someone I could get all the answers off of.

Angie said...

Cool Craig. Could you email everyone else? In case they're not reading? If they are, maybe they're just up for a raging party this weekend...if you can call Good Friday watching a "children's animated movie" a RAGING party?! haha...

Craig said...

Angie I have sent a e-mail to the group and asked them to respond up or down to either the e-mail or the blog. I hope to see some activity on here soon. I am getting a little discouraged at the participation. I realize everyone is busy but I really believe we need to stay connected as a group and not allow "stuff" to get in the way of community.If people are not comfortable posting I hope they will tell me that so I can make a decision on keeping the Blog alive or letting it go. Thank you for opening your apartment up to us and I really do hope that we will see some people take you up on your offer. Tell Robert I said hi and I expect to hear from him or else I am coming to over there to kick some butt. That isn't a open invitation for him to ignore this either because if I come under those circumstances then I will not be much fun to be around for a hour or so.

Angie said...

"and I expect to hear from him or else I am coming to over there to kick some butt"

Yeah, exactly, Craig. He'll ignore you long enough, and you'll come. His master plan to take over the world is almost complete.

As far as Friday night, it's all good. If folks are up for it, cool; if not, that's cool, too. I bought the movie the other night becuase I've not seen it yet, and I thought that since I'm watching it anyway, that I'd make the invite. The door's always open - you guys know that.

Why is Carrie Underwood so cute? What is she? like 19 years old? I didn't want to like her when she first came out, but I do... oh well...another pop star I like.

rdmeeker said...

I will not be attending movie night for a variety of reasons:

1) I am very busy sleeping at that time
2) I don't like movies
3) I don't associate with nerds
4) I am in Iraq

Well, 1 and 4 are true. I hope y'all have a good time.

Craig you've got it exactly right.I am pulling out all the stops to get you to come out here.

Oh, and Carrie Underwood? That's random.

Angie said...


You're such a liar.

1,2,3 and 4 are true and you know it.



Brandi said...

Geez, you wonder why no one responds to blogs. We are sick of Angie taking up all of the room!!! Ok, and Bob, you totally love nerds. You can't denounce your own people. I will be there tonight. Count me in! I will I guess. Angie, would you please call me. My screen is out again, and I don't have your number memorized!!!!

Craig said...

One of the many downsides to not living by my self anymore, and believe me there are numerous downsides, is that I use the same computer as my brother and so there is less availability and the letters on his keyboard sticks. I am blaming that for all of my grammatical errors of late. It was sure great to see the Meekers on here. What do we owe the pleasure to BRANDI??????????????????????

rdmeeker said...

Craig, good news for you. You don't have to be a good typist to live in Iraq!!

I want to to know how your party went. I guess, for all I now, you're all stil partying now.

Angie said...

It was fun (or at least I had fun anyway...until I ran out of energy at 11:40PM and had to kick everyone out). Good thing too, because about five minutes after that, the power started going on and off because of the storm.

And Bob, you should know this about Craig, because it's come up several times now at these parties, and he hasn't even been drinking.

Craig really does have this longing to dress as a woman and live that way. He mentioned it again last night.

AND! He implicated you and said that we needed to talk about it before...well that we needed to talk about it. He said that not only have you been wearing Golden Spy, but that he's been keeping your bottle of Charlie here for safe keeping? Is that true?

And then, like I wrote, he tried to cover it up by implying that he's all MAN. It's like I walked into the "Friends" version of Brokeback last night. What's going on?

(hahah...I'm so funny...)

rdmeeker said...

Ah, poor perfect Cristi..So out of place... but I do think lying is a character flaw you could exploit...


Oh, and Craig is implying that I, too want to live as a woman? And not just any woman, but one from, like, 1988 since I'm still wearing Charlie. I didn't know things were so bad for me

Angie said...

You need to come home soon. That's all I'm saying! I can't hold this crew together by myself much longer, and once Craig goes loopy, who knows what else is going to happen (and trust me, Craig's loosing it...).

Brandy was keeping it together until she told Brandi that "she didn't have time to pray anymore because she was too busy shopping." She COULD have been the rock of the group, but she hasn't mastered the art of prayerwalking yet (you know - shopping and praying at the same time) so, her prayer life is going down hill. Hahaha... and instead, she's choosing to just shop for 10 hours a day!

(let's see if that's enough to draw her out of hiding...)

Craig said...

Cristi are you saying you have many huge character flaws but none that you feel you can be open about? (I need to find some huge character flaw that I can be totally open about just to fit in!!!) That's the way I'm reading that.

Robert I am sure you are already well aware that Angie sees things differently than everyone else in the world and somehow she hears things differently too. Now don't get me wrong, that's not necessarily a bad thing. It tends to keep things very interesting, although it does muddle the truth a bit. As far as the party, well , how do I put was what you would expect from a class of second graders. Brandi and Cristi, and they will say me but it isn't true at all, were having a food fight. Megan started us talking about the proper way to say a certain word, and apparently you are the only one who can say it correctly. All the while Grandma Angie hence forth to be referred to as "Grangie" was freaking out about the M&M's rolling under the couch (pretzels also). So as you can see the only thing missing was a pet Hampster being let out of his cage and someone getting sick all over themselves. So of course it was a slamming party. I'm sorry you had to miss it but I promise you we will have one even more kicken' when you get back.

Craig said...

Who's losing it???? Angie hasn't even mastered the art of walking yet. Or should I say she has reverted back to her younger years and is now tripping over herself. Is someone checking her water? The fact that you think I am losing it and Cristi says I am one of the girls must mean that you all have already lost it. Robert you may not want to come home if you want to keep your sanity.

Craig said...

You better check yourself girlfriend....trying to come in here with that weak stuff. If you do recall Megan started the conversation by saying that a co-worker asked her how she said this certain word. So there!!!

With all those boundaries I don't know if I can play your game and pick a pet. But for the sake of argument I already have the pet I would have. My dog.

Craig said...

No just wrong!

Uncreative or retro? Everyone is going to try to come up with a "cool" animal but I keep it real because that's the way I roll.

Angie said...

Cristi - are you ok? You sound kind of angry?

rdmeeker said...

Cristi, maybe you've found your "thing." You can be the angry one.

Oh, and Craig, how long have you been back in Whitehall? That's the way I roll? You better check yourself girlfriend? Trying to come in here with that weak stuff?

It's all so ghetto, so fast...

Brandi said...

I can't believe that in one day, I missed out on all of this fabulous blogging. What is happening to this home group? Angie tried to say that it started when I joined, but as you can see, I was not in on this madness. I was at church, watching a play and minding my own!!!

Craig said...

I can't divulge all my beauty secrets. So I have to leave you guessing.

Brandi it did start when you joined. You don't have to physically be there to be the catalyst for all the insanity.

Robert to answer your question it has been two weeks yo.

Jason you are right. A deleted comment does add a air of mystery. We must apologize to you. You are probably running scared of us. We definately are the insane group and it all started when MISS Brandi joined the group, or when Robert left, which was about the same time. Take your pick.

Angie said...

I went nuts when he left. I admit it.

No, that's not true. I went nuts when I stopped being able to drive. The two times just happen to almost coincide.